Supporting Health and Illness at Home

Developing the self developing the world
Developing the self developing the world

Supporting Health and Illness at Home


Sunday, January 19, 2025
10am to 4pm
Working with Illness at Home
with Sarah Mecca

Sunday, February 23, 2025
10am to 4pm
Preventative Healthcare at Home
with Sarah Mecca

Sunday, March 23, 2025
10am to 4pm
Supporting Nourishment - Body, Soul and Spirit
with Sarah Mecca and Anthony Mecca

Scroll down for full descriptions of each workshop theme.

$25 USD ($40 AUD) paid to EduCareDo with registration below
(paid once whether attending 1, 2, or all 3 workshops)
+ sliding scale contribution in-person: $40-75/workshop

These 3 day-long workshops offered through Developing the Self Developing the World are open to all. You can attend 1, 2 or all 3 workshops. In addition to offerings on each workshop theme, the day will include a nourishing meal, the opportunity to both receive and learn how to offer homecare, familiarize yourself with some home remedies, space for individual reflection, experiential exercises and group conversation.

Each will deepen and build upon the pre-reading Supporting Inner Freedom in the Young Child through Health and Illness (a lesson in the EduCareDo Early Childhood Course). While the workshops are aimed at supporting parents and caregivers in the home, the workshop content and experience will also be relevant for those interested in deepening their relationship to their own experiences of health and illness as well as those caring for other adults. The workshop content will unfold and adapt to meet the questions and interests of the participants.

All three workshops will take place at Sun Heart Farm in Stephentown, New York.
Inquire about childcare available on-site.

Contact us for a discount code if you have previous registered for one of these workshops and are now registering for one or both of the other workshops in this series.

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Working with Illness at Home
Meeting rich and diverse experiences of health and illness support the young child’s journey of growth and development towards inner freedom in adulthood. While we need to consciously support their unfolding, at the same time we must tread lightly, so as to not interfere in the potential fruits that may naturally unfold for them through their experiences of health and illness. We will work with the conscious activity of reverence to support them on their journey with health and illness.

Preventative Healthcare at Home
Even though we may recognize the deep meaningfulness of illness for growth and development and for the strengthening of both child and caregiver, that is not to say that all illness processes are necessary or unavoidable. By fostering good health we can support greater balance and harmony without having to traverse every illness process ‘available’. As adults, we have to know how to perceive and evaluate the wellness or imbalance of our own system in order to support this development in the young child. We also have to cultivate and deepen our own relationship to rest and to harmonizing therapeutic applications in order to facilitate these for the young children in our care.

Supporting Nourishment in Early Childhood - Body, Soul and Spirit
In this workshop we will look at different aspects of nutrition in the life of the young child. We will consider the ‘earthly nutrition’ of food in the life of the young child – recognizing that by observing a child’s relationship to eating and food preferences we can gain insight into their constitutional tendencies and needs and ask the question of how we could bring greater balance and diversity to the nutrition of the young child. We will also explore the ‘cosmic nutrition’ of all that they absorb through their senses as well as the influence of their unseen environment, particularly the world of thoughts, feelings, and will impulses of the adults that surround them.


In addition to offerings on this workshop theme, each workshop will include a nourishing meal, the opportunity to both receive and learn how to offer therapeutic treatments at home, gain familiarity with some home remedies, space for individual reflection, experiential exercises and group conversation. Each workshop will deepen and build upon the pre-reading Supporting Inner Freedom in the Young Child through Health and Illness (a lesson in the EduCareDo Early Childhood Course). While the workshops are aimed at supporting parents and caregivers in the home, the workshop content and experience will also be relevant for those interested in deepening their relationship to their own experiences of health and illness as well as those caring for other adults. The workshop content will unfold and adapt to meet the questions and interests of the participants. 

All three workshops will take place at Sun Heart Farm in Stephentown, New York.
Inquire about childcare available on-site.

Sarah Mecca

Sarah is a contributor to the EduCareDo subject courses: Biodynamic Agriculture & Nutrition and Laying Foundations towards Inner Freedom in the Young Child.

Sarah is a complementary health practitioner working out of anthroposophy based in upstate New York. She works with adults, children from birth through adolescence, family groups, and teachers, in their role supporting the children in their care.